Friday, January 18, 2008

Medifast Day 5

The rest of Day 4: 3oz tuna on a bed of mixed greens (finally figured out to buy that vs. iceberg!), 1 tbsp low fat ranch, then for dinner a pouch of 4oz tuna with a side of carrots (kinda not technically allowed), and a shake for dessert. I got hungry at night and decided to try the soy snacks. If you like soy at all, DON'T EAT THESE!! I ended up eating a second bag because they were so good!

My small little cheats from yesterday seem to be threatening my ketosis and making me super hungry. I didn't get in any exercise yesterday, and I have already four meals (and i'm counting the second snack towards today, so I don't have much room for food...not good at all!)

Anywho, I've had a pudding, two of my muffins, a bar, and I just made something so good I can't wait to tell you about it...

Medifast chocolate pudding
1/2 cup of ice
1 oz of cream cheese
almond extract
Walden Farms marshmallow dip
Put all ingredients in Magic Bullet or smoothie maker and blend until smooth.Pour in to cup and fold in some Walden Farms marshmallow dip. Gently stir to zig zag, but not to mix.

Reminds me so much of rocky road! Honestly, I modified the recipe so as to not include cream cheese (remember I already had my snack), but then I threw some almonds in anyway...oh well. I know I'm making progress anyway, in spite of my little cheats. Goes to show that medifast is actually pretty powerful.

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